Criteria for Inclusion Of Papers

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We invite submission of papers on the subject of vibratory stress relief for inclusion in our VSR On-Line Library. Papers will be reviewed for acceptance based upon the following criteria:

  1. The paper expands the knowledge or understanding of vibratory stress relief.
  2. The paper reports applications of vibratory stress relief in a comprehensive manner, eg, case histories should include:(1) description of type of workpiece and material composition; (2) configuration; (3) description of equipment used to perform vibration treatment (include specifications, such as: (a) vibrator rpm; (b) description of system setup and procedure; (c) unbalance setting(s); (d) method of speed regulation; (e) mounting location; (f) orientation; etc); (4) machining or alignment results (including tolerances); and (5) vibration treatment documentation.
  3. If the paper describes lab-based work (ie, no machining or alignment data could be included) in which destructive or non-destructive testing is used for evaluation, an explanation of how the evaluation method(s) links to large-scale, real-world workpiece applications must be included.
  4. Submissions that are primarily commercial in nature (ie, showcase a particular brand of equipment, but provide little information on how the equipment is used or what results were achieved), will be returned to the author(s) with an invitation to resubmit when modified or rewritten to meet acceptance criteria.

Papers can be submitted electronically by emailing them to:Â


Some papers in our Vibratory Stress Relief On-Line Library have been electronically reformatted, for purposes of clarity and legibility. Rather than post illegible documents (eg, 5th generation photocopies) on-line, these documents have been carefully reprocessed, so as to faithfully reproduce the papers in a more readable and printable form. All original text, including misspellings or other errors, has been left intact. Further, whenever possible, the original layouts have been preserved or reproduced, in an attempt to maintain the appearance intended by both the authors and publishers.

Various images, especially charts or tables, have, where necessary, had their original text content replaced by larger font for purposes of clarity. Some figures have also been enlarged from the original version. These new images will, if enlarged, better maintain their clarity than will the originals (generated using older printing and publishing techniques), which have not been refurbished for purposes of accurate archiving.

We have minimized the degree of license or interference taken with the appearance of a document, since our efforts are merely to provide the most highly readable archive on the subject, not to alter any meaning, or even emphasis, of the original document.

Of course, just as we find mistakes in material that we write ourselves or find in works of others, errors do occur. We invite feedback from authors, publishers, archivists or other interested parties, so that we can amend or modify our work, so as to offer the most faithful reproduction of the original, in a more legible format. A copy of an original version of each document is on-file in our physical archive, and a photocopy of any of these is available upon written request.

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